Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Domino Returns and a Rumble in Rumekistan in Cable/Deadpool #28

Deadpool is back to his old tricks in Cable/Deadpool #28 as the Merc-With-A-Mouth is on an assignment to assassinate the dictator of Rumekistan, the international terrorist known as Flag-Smasher.
Unfortunately for Wade, the same person who put him down in his first appearance is hired to stop him once again: the former X-Forcer Domino. With a big role upcoming in the pages of Civil War: X-Men, Domino's return marks big trouble for Wade and, later on, serious reprecussions for this summer's Civil War.
But when Domino learns that Deadpool was given his mission by Cable, will she fulfill her end of the contract or trust her long-time friend Cable instead?
Pick up Cable/Deadpool #28 for the answers to all these questions and more, except for the revelation of why Deadpool is preoccupied with chimicangas. That will remain a mystery for a little while longer.


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