Tuesday, April 25, 2006


After a long hiatus, SAVAGE DRAGON has returned to the shelves with a vengeance, selling out of its two most recent issues as the series approaches the landmark number 125. Only one other Image Comics title has made it to that point – Todd McFarlane's SPAWN – and to celebrate, SAVAGE DRAGON #125 will feature an ad-free 64 pages of material.

Having taken almost a full year off to focus on his position as Publisher of Image Comics, SAVAGE DRAGON creator Erik Larsen hit the ground running this year with renewed vigor for his long-time creation.

Not only has the book been shipping on-time, every month, but fans will notice that Larsen has taken over all creative aspects of the book himself: writing, illustrating, coloring and even lettering!

"It's great to be back," said Larsen. "I've been dabbling with Photoshop over the last few years, coloring back-up stories and the occasional page or pin-up and many of the covers, but I really wanted to color the book itself. Having had a lot of practice over my 'break' I was able to pick up the ball and run with it on the regular series, and I'm pretty excited about the results. The lettering is still a bit shaky, but I'm confident that I'll get a handle on it."

For the SAVAGE DRAGON #125, Larsen handled full creative chores for a whopping 44 pages of all-new material. The milestone issue is rounded out by three previously published stories: "The Wish" from NEGATIVE BURN WINTER 2005 special, "Power Shortage" from the IMAGE COMICS SUMMER SPECIAL (released for Free Comic Book Day in 2004) and "A Very Glum X-Mas" from the IMAGE COMICS HOLIDAY SPECIAL 2005."SAVAGE DRAGON #125 was a lot of fun." Larsen said. "I'm gearing up for another awe-inspiring Savage Dragon epic and this one sets the stage for that. It gets Mr. Glum in a position so that he can take over the world and it puts the Savage Dragon in a place where he doesn't want to be. It's all leading up to a rousing epic that culminates with the characters from Mark Millar and J.G. Jones' WANTED series dropping by to kick some serious ass (which happens in SAVAGE DRAGON #128) and THAT leads into the NEXT phase of the Dragon's life. But it all starts in #125, which gets the ball rolling."

SAVAGE DRAGON #125 will be on sale April 26th. There are currently 11 volumes of SAVAGE DRAGON trade paperbacks available for order and your local comics retailer can contact their Diamond Customer Service Representative for ordering.


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