This June, Image Founder JIM VALENTINO cleans the slate for a new chapter in the saga of ShadowHawk, with a special issue delving into the character's past. "Past Lives" will feature four stories by four different creative teams offering glimpses into the lives of ShadowHawks in a stand- alone issue with no ads.
Having recently reclaimed his helmet and his heritage, young Eddie Collins, the current and last ShadowHawk in a 5000 year lineage, delves into his legacy and examines the lives of three ShadowHawks that came before him.
A Spanish monk discovers the true meaning of justice in a tale by writer PEDRO ANGOSTO. Entitled Halcón Sombrío, the story traces ShadowHawk back to the Aztec Empire during the invasion of Cortes's army and marks the return of CARLOS RODRIGUEZ, the artist who helped re-launch SHADOWHAWK as an ongoing series in 2005.
Hawk and Shadow, meanwhile, is set in London in the year 1830, and focuses on a strife-torn family caught up in the ever-growing opium trade and a ShadowHawk forced to face his own brother as the war that never ends begins. Written, illustrated and colored by THE SHARP BROTHERS, who also provide the cover to this special issue.
Fast forwarding to 1970’s New York, ShadowHawkGirl features collaboration between former SHADOWHAWK writer SCOTT WHERLE and EMISSARY & REX MUNDI artist JUAN FERREYRA for the tale of a would-be ShadowHawk who discovers the hero within herself and proves to be an unlikely source of inspiration.
To cap it all off, the regular SHADOWHAWK team of writer/penciler VALENTINO, inker G.W. FISHER and colorist CHRIS McFANN provide a framing sequence featuring the current SHADOWHAWK, Eddie Collins, as the stage is set for the next phase in ShadowHawk's life – including the debut of an all-new costume!
SHADOWHAWK #13 is available for order in the in the April issue of Diamond Previews (on-sale March 22) and hits the stands in June.
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