Writer, director and former Marvel Entertainment Brand Manager, John Taddeo, and his animated film Zoom Suit, will be featured on the television show The Screening Room. The show was taped Thursday at DW studios in Palm Beach, Florida and will air on Monday, November 14 at 8:00 pm ET on WHDT. Zoom Suit will be the first of five short films screened that evening.
“Being chosen to appear on The Screening Room and sit with Jonathan Crane is an amazing honor for me and Zoom Suit,” said Taddeo. “I guess we must have done something right since the film keeps winning awards and garnering this type of recognition. I’m hoping that all this fanfare will translate into foot traffic at local comic stores when the comic mini-series is released next year.”
The two-hour show is hosted by renowned producer Jonathan Crane. Crane, a Hollywood luminary, has produced some of the largest money earning films in the last decade, including Basic, Swordfish, Face/Off, Phenomenon, The General’s Daughter and Primary Colors. The show will feature a viewing of Zoom Suit followed by an interview with Taddeo and an in-depth commentary on the film and director by Crane.
“I loved it,” proclaimed Crane on the set of The Screening Room after viewing Zoom Suit for the first time. “I am bowled over. I’m stunned. John Taddeo is a budding visionary writer, director and producer.”
To hear more of Jonathan’s comments, tune into The Screening Room with Jonathan Crane on Adelphia Cable channel 17, in West Palm Beach on channel 59, in Naples on channel 23, in Miami on channel 44 and on Boston TV 26.
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