A Drug War Carol
"A Drug War Christmas Carol" written by Susan W. Wells and drawn by Scott Bieser, takes the classic story "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens and gives it a new twist.
"A Drug War Christmas Carol" tells the story of ONDCP direct Scrooge McCzar a hard edge man who is fanatical on his stance of keeping drugs illegal. Until one night on Christmas Eve he is met by the ghost of the first "Drug Czar" Harry Anslinger. From there the story goes on where Scrooge meets the Ghost of Christmas Past , Present, and Future.
The story is predominately told by the Ghost of Christmas Past. The narrative of the ghost starts in 1619 Jamestown and takes you up to The Bill Clinton era. The Ghost gives excellent facts which are noted and can be found in the back of the book under the Hypertext notes.
However the Ghost of Christmas Present and Past where somewhat diminished in the story. The future gives a grim detail of Scrooge's outcome.
The story was very informative. All of which backed up with easy to find notes and references.
The art by Scott Bieser ,-3- , Lloyd W. Meek was fantastic.
Overall it was a good read. It is a book I recommend to all despite what your stance on legalization of Marijuana or any type of drug to begin with. Even though this is a one sided view it is still worth the read
I give it a 3 out of 5
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