Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Komikwerks launches Blogwerks

Komikwerks unveiled today a new addition to theever-expanding portal for web comics. Blogwerks adds the popularphenomena of blogging to the site, with blogs dedicated to each of itsnumerous online comic strips.

"In the past few years blogging has revolutionized content on theweb," said Director of Web Development Rob M. Worley. "This simple buteffective publishing technology gives everyone a voice. So it was onlynatural that the comics creators at Komikwerks started asking forblogs and we're very excited to be offering them now."

Komikwerks Blogwerks ( http://www.komikwerks.com/blogwerks ) areavailable to all creators contributing to strips on the website. Theblogs will feature behind-the-scenes looks at the development of theonline comics. "But true to the nature of blogging, it'll really be tothe creators to decide what they write about," said Worley.

Robert Burke Richardson, writer of the popular "Elf Help"(http://www.komikwerks.com/comic_title.php?ti=116 ) comic, has alreadymade good use of his Blogwerks space, with one feature breaking downthe anatomy of a page and another feature previewing upcoming strips.

Blogwerks is built on the foundation of the highly robust, butsometimes overlooked b2evolution (http://www.b2evolution.net )software, which Worley calls, "an outstanding work of open sourcetechnology." The blogs are tightly integrated with Komikwerks onlinecomic strip management.

Additional blogs sections are already being prepped for "GroundedAngel" and "Universal Intergalactic Discovery Company" with many moreplanned to coincide with Komikwerks' ongoing growth.


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