Monday, May 08, 2006

New Civil War Trailer Points Fans to Their Local Comic Shop

To coincide with the release of Civil War #1, Marvel has released an all-new trailer of Marvel’s biggest event ever. And with the unprecedented mainstream media coverage, Marvel wants to lend a hand in helping all of these New Believers find their copy of Civil War and other great Marvel titles by including all pertinent information in this trailer… as well as some new art for our faithful fans.
The new trailer features the comic shop locator info, Civil War Checklist and will be available through as well as so you can share it with friends, post it on your MySpace page, or simply just watch it over and over. To view the trailer, go to here.

After only one day, the response to Civil War #1 has been tremendous. "We're overwhelmed by the reaction Civil War has received on its first day, from retailers to long-time fans to those picking up their first comic with Civil War #1," says Publisher Dan Buckley. "This is quite possibly the biggest thing Marvel has ever done and we're glad that everyone who read the first issue is as excited as we are."

Retailers are calling the release day of Civil War #1 the busiest day in comics’ history and report seeing masses of new faces coming in for the politically charged blockbuster that’s proving people are interested in stories relevant to today, and will read them in any form. Especially comics!

“Marvel Comics has a long tradition of delivering must-read summer crossover events, and it looks like they have another winner on their hands with Civil War,” said Diamond Vice President of Sales & Marketing Roger Fletcher. “Marvel’s done a great job of promoting this series to retailers and fans alike, and early reports are indicating strong sell-through on Civil War #1. Congratulations on a job well done!”

Fans new and old are scrambling to get Civil War; even the friends you always wished read comics. What better way to get them started than with the new-reader-friendly runaway success Civil War, and another runaway - X-MEN/RUNAWAYS, the all-new comic handed out this weekend at Free Comic Book Day!


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