Sunday, February 12, 2006

History Meets Fantasy in The Epic Battle over 'Grunland'

This April Roman Imperial Soldiers, Japanese Samurais and a secret society of Orc half-breeds battle for control of an ancient, mystical force so evil its very existence must never be recorded in writing. Narwain Publishing is proud to present the fantasy epic graphic novel 'Grunland.'

For centuries, the Ar Ze people have lived in the Grunland ("green lands" in their native tongue). Half human and half orc, these people are the protectors of a mystical mountain that is inhabited by an ancient evil. So dark is this force, and so powerful is the magic needed to contain it, that the Ar Ze dare not even write of its existence. Instead they carry out their duties through the tradition of spoken word and memorized rituals.

But memory fades over time and with it, the mystical bonds of the Grunland Mountain fade. Evil creatures manage to escape captivity, visiting a campaign of terror and death on the neighboring villages, using the Estgian whisper to raise an army of the dead.

Even as the Ar Ze struggle to contain these evil forces, armies from Rome and Japan invade their shores.

From the imagination of writer Jesus Cansino and artist Jesus Barony…this is 'Grunland'!

'Grunland' is a 56-page graphic color novel shipping in April from Narwain Publishing. It carries a retail price of $5.99 US ($ 6.96 Canadian). Ask your retailer for it today!


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