Award-Winning Animated Film to Appear at Six More Film Festivals
Continuing its successful trip around the world, the award-winning animated short film, Zoom Suit, written and directed by John Taddeo, has scheduled appearances at six additional upcoming film festivals during February, March and April. Zoom Suit will make stops at the Gem City Film Festival, the Golden Star Shorts Fest, the Sundays in the City March Movie Marathon, the Delray Beach Film Festival, the Omaha Film Festival and then finally the Fort Myers Beach Film Festival.
The Inaugural Gem City Film Festival occurs in Palatka, Florida with Zoom Suit airing on February 18 during Indie Film Day. Proceeds from the festival will benefit the Larimer Arts Center, Palatka’s historic former public library building. The building was constructed 75 years ago.
The First Annual Golden Star Shorts Fest premiers February 24-26 at The Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood, California smack in the middle of the Winter awards season. The festival is committed to generating exposure for short movies, providing film makers with access to industry professionals, distribution partners and audiences worldwide.
This year marks the second Sundays in the City March Movie Madness Marathon. The event takes place over the course of five Sundays in March and is held at the Monster Gallery in the Park Slope area of Brooklyn, New York. Last years’ series attracted over 1000 people for the four day event including celebrities Wayne Knight (Newman from Seinfeld) and Vinny Vella of the Sopranos.
The First Annual Golden Star Shorts Fest premiers February 24-26 at The Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood, California smack in the middle of the Winter awards season. The festival is committed to generating exposure for short movies, providing film makers with access to industry professionals, distribution partners and audiences worldwide.
This year marks the second Sundays in the City March Movie Madness Marathon. The event takes place over the course of five Sundays in March and is held at the Monster Gallery in the Park Slope area of Brooklyn, New York. Last years’ series attracted over 1000 people for the four day event including celebrities Wayne Knight (Newman from Seinfeld) and Vinny Vella of the Sopranos.
March 8-12 marks the first-ever Delray Beach Film Festival and filmmakers Roger Corman and Julie Corman will be the recipients of Lifetime Achievement Awards during the event at venues in and around historic downtown Delray Beach, Florida.
The first Omaha Film Festival takes place in Omaha, Nebraska on March 23-26. Screenings will take place at the Joslyn Art Museum, Blue Barn Theatre and the Hilton Garden Inn with Zoom Suit appearing in the Animated Short Film category.
Zoom Suit will be featured during the “Shorts Program” at the sixth annual Ft. Myers Beach Film Festival in Ft. Myers Beach, Florida on April 27- 30.
“The amount of fests that have accepted Zoom Suit is staggering,” said Taddeo. “Usually a successful run for a short indie film is being accepted into five or six fests. Zoom Suit has been accepted into over 50 now. It’s amazing what our little superhero Cinderella story has accomplished.”
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