Across The Pond Studios Forced to Delay One Title, Two Others Still On Schedule
Due to power losses and property damage suffered by South Florida-based Across the Pond Studios during hurricanes Rita and Katrina, The Iron Ghost #5, originally scheduled for release on December 14, 2005 has been delayed until December 28.
The Iron Ghost, written by Chuck Dixon and featuring art by Sergio Cariello, Flint Henry and Rick Hiltbrunner, is an exciting tale of war intrigue that follows the adventures of a vigilante during World War II as he wages a one-man battle against the Nazi Third Reich. It follows the style of such masterpieces as the Shadow or the Green Hornet.
Across the Pond Studios’ two other new titles, scheduled for release in 2006, remain unaffected. Metal Locus #1, shipping from Speakeasy Comics, will be released in February and can be found in the December issue of Previews. Atomik Mike #1, shipping from Alias Enterprises, will also be released in February and can be found in the December issue of Previews. Issue #6, the final issue of the Iron Ghost series, is still on track for release in February.
“It’s unfortunate,” said publisher Stephan Nilson. “We work really hard to publish quality products on a timely schedule, but you can’t fight Mother Nature. The hurricanes did major damage to our area and we are very fortunate that the worst to come from the tragedies is one delay of only a couple of weeks. We could have lost a lot more than we did.”
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