Wednesday, November 30, 2005

6 Arms for the 6th Sellout: Amazing Spider-Man #526 Sells Out,

The day before it even hits shelves, Amazing Spider-Man #526 has sold out at Diamond despite a significant overprinting. To commemorate the sixth consecutive Spider-Man: The Other sellout, Marvel is going back to press immediately with a new second printing variant cover by Mike Wieringo featuring the Six-Armed Spider-Man from Amazing Spider-Man #100-102.

The response to Spider-Man’s all-out battle with Morlun in Amazing Spider-Man #526 was been one of shock and amazement. David Wallace of says, “It’s a great slugfest of an issue which makes me incredibly eager to get my hands on the next issue.” gave Amazing Spider-Man #526 an A+ and said, “If you consider yourself to be a Spider-Man fan, you MUST NOT miss this issue.”

The response to these second printing variant covers has been tremendous and it wouldn’t be possible without the unqualified success the fans have made Spider-Man: The Other thus far.

Be sure to pick up Act Three of Spider-Man: The Other written by J. Michael Straczynski in Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #3, Marvel Knights Spider-Man #21, and Amazing Spider-Man #527 as Spider-Man finds himself on the precipice of death with only one choice: evolve or die.


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